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Communicate value. Educate your potential client. Land better work. Meet the proposal deck that helped us level up.

Early on at our studio, we were sending quotes as word docs with no context (except maybe some portfolio work attached). It was underwhelming to our potential clients to say the least. The problem? It focused only on cost, not value. It lacked context that related uniquely to the client. So we created this deck and client interview template for ourselves. It changed the game for us, hugely increasing the level of client and project price we were able to land.


Available in 3 aesthetic styles:

Hoodzpah Decks Easy to edit

Easy to edit fonts and colors

Hoodzpah Decks Dummy copy

Real example content to help you when writing for your own client

Hoodzpah Decks pro tips

Extra pro tips and advice on how to use

Hoodzpah Proposal Deck deck highlights stockholm

A proposal deck to outline the scope and prove the value of your project pricing

Feel like you can’t get to that next level of project and pricing? We’ve been there! You know your work is good and your rates are fair, but you keep getting passed up for work. So what’s missing? It’s likely a communication breakdown.

This resource will help you uncover what your potential client cares about, so you can prove the value of your service to them in a compelling way.

This deck template will streamline your process for quoting and responding to RFPs. Pricing creative work can seem subjective, but this deck helps you clearly explain your process and impact so that there isn’t sticker shock, but an understanding of the value provided.

noise gradients Hoodzpah decks 2


Adobe InDesign & Figma files
Type styles for easy global font editing
Pre-written copy to help you get started
Links to free font & image resources
“How To” PDF and video
Pro tips from us on how to get the most out of the deck
Client Questionnaire
21 Gradient Images (clean and noise)
Tons of alternate cover options

Easy to use and update to match your branding.

We’ve styled these decks with FREE Google Fonts so that all you have to do is replace your logo and they’re ready to use! Want to use your own brand fonts? It’s as easy as updating a couple of paragraph styles.

Note: Basic understanding of InDesign and/or Figma recommended to use these templates.
Hoodzpah Proposal Deck

Show potential clients you’ve got answers to the questions they didn’t even know to ask yet.

A great proposal deck will anticipate common questions like “what’s the estimated timeline?” “what are my payment options?” and “when can you start?” This avoids the dreaded back and forth emails that damps down excitement and momentum. Our deck goes a step further and includes a snapshot of relevant work, in case your deck is passed on to decision makers who haven’t seen your portfolio, and restates your expertise by listing past clients and outlining your process.

Browse More of the Deck Templates

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