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Pro Deck Bundle for Creatives

These are the essential creative business decks we use every day at Hoodzpah to land clients and lead them successfully through a project.

The Pro Deck Bundle for Creatives Includes:


Hoodzpah Proposal Deck Feature Image

The Bestselling Proposal Deck Template

Rated ★★★★★

A proposal deck to outline the scope and educate on the value of your project pricing.


Hoodzpah Discovery Deck Feature Image

The Discovery Deck Template

Just Released!

Align on client goals and set the parameters for a project’s success, before any creative even starts.


Hoodzpah Proof Deck Feature Image

The Proof Deck Template

Just Released!

Make the case for your creative work and prove why it meets the project goals set forth in the Discovery. AKA: get great work approved.

Hoodzpah Pro Deck Bundle highlights

People often ask us how we leveled up our business and the answer is always decks.

Decks in an of themselves aren’t the answer, but being able to communicate your creative solution and process in a succinct and compelling way is key to getting great work approved. Our decks will help you pace the presentation, contextualize your work in terms of the brand values and target audience, tie creative decisions back to the key goal, and build client trust. And most importantly these decks help you sell your services based on value and expertise rather than rock bottom prices.

Hoodzpah Decks Easy to edit

Easy to edit fonts and colors

Hoodzpah Decks Dummy copy

Real example content to help you when writing for your own client

Hoodzpah Decks pro tips

Extra pro tips and advice on how to use

Each Deck Template is available in 3 aesthetic styles:

Choose 1 style, or grab them all

Stockholm Deck Style

Hoodzpah Proof Deck Template 20220822 Stockholm broad view

Orion Deck Style

Hoodzpah Discovery Deck Template Orion broad view

Monterey Deck Style

Hoodzpah Proposal Deck Monterey broad view
noise gradients Hoodzpah decks 2


✓ Adobe InDesign & Figma files
✓ Proposal, Proof, and Discovery Deck Templates
✓ Proposal Client Questionnaire
✓ Discovery Questionnaire
✓ Type styles for easy global font editing
✓ Prewritten copy to help you get started
✓ Pro tips in the margins
✓ Links to free font & image resources
✓ 21 Gradient Images (clean and noise)
✓ Tons of alternate cover options
✓ How To Use PDF

Easy to use and update to match your branding.

We’ve styled these decks with FREE Google Fonts so that all you have to do is replace your logo and they’re ready to use! Want to use your own brand fonts? It’s as easy as updating a couple of paragraph styles.

Note: Basic understanding of InDesign and/or Figma recommended to use these templates.
Hoodzpah Proposal Deck
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