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By Amy Hood

Josh Petker

Joshua Petker painting of a lady

As I informed you guys in my last, post, I’m an instagram-aholic. It’s a fount of inspiration and I wanna get drunk on it. Another amazing artist I found on there is named Joshua Petker. Josh hails from our urban neighbor to the north, LA, and he got his start as a graffiti artist before focusing his efforts on the canvas. His work is eerily beautiful. The colors are garishly vibrant and the brushstrokes are wreckless but accurate. In that respect it reminds me a lot of the work of Ralph Steadman.

In short, his work is beautiful. Check out more on his website, or do yourself a favor and download the instagram app to your smart phone and start following his work there (@joshuapetker). He updates frequently and is working on some amazing American Western inspired pieces that I can wait to get my grimy hands on if they are ever made into prints. *Crosses Fingers*

Listening to: Ambulance Ltd “Primitive (The Way I Treat You)”

Hush, no more words.

Creepy gif from The Simpsons of homer patting couch, telling you to come and sit

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