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By Amy Hood

Drazen Kozjan's limited edition "31 Cursed Souls" illustration collection

Drazen Kozjan 31 cursed souls illustration collection front cover

Check out what I got in the mail from a tortured Canadian inspiration of mine: Drazen Kozjan. Besides having a name the equivalent of a chinese finger trap for the tongue, he has an illustration and storytelling talent the equivalent of Edgar Allen Poe x Edward Gorey. He writes and compiles a darkly humorous comic series called The Happy Undertaker. Exactly as it sounds, the series follows a whistling undertaker and tells the stories of how people come to be brought to his doorstep in coffins. It’s snarky and gritty and fantastic in nature. But back to his care package I just received in the mail. He sent a package that contained a hand drawn envelope and some postcards featuring The Happy Undertaker. Within the envelope was a limited edition bookette of illustrations chronicling 31 cursed souls. Across from each cursed creature the Happy Undertaker watches on whistling and playing out his own storyline. As a lovely finishing touch the last “cursed soul” slot is open for you to “draw or glue in whoever you wish hexed,” according to Drazen.  Best of all, even the mail package it was all sent in was doodled on by Drazen himself! Click on the image and it wisely says “thanks Jen, you’re rad.” Drazen knows his stuff, haha. But seriously, gotta love those personalized touches! He put together bundles of these for The Toronto Comic Arts Festival and kindly sent me one. Thanks Drazen! Keep up the death and ghouls and hexing. It’s strangely charming!

Hush, no more words.

Creepy gif from The Simpsons of homer patting couch, telling you to come and sit

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