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By Amy Hood

Delicious Movie Posters By Grzegorz Domaradzki

Deconstructing Harry Movie Posters By Grzegorz Domaradzki

We do a lot of graphic illustration here at Hoodzpah, especially of recent. We’ve been hit with the bug. It’s almost as bad as the time I discovered Instagram. I couldn’t. Stop. There are just so many filters! I digress. Recently, I discovered the work of Grzegorz Domaradzki. His name may be hard to say, but his work is oh-so easy on the eyes. He did a series of vector movie posters that are more delicious than an extra large bucket of butter-drenched-salt-infused movie popcorn. Check them out above and below. Following each poster is a collage of detail shots so you can see the genius up close.

Listening to:  Dead Man’s Bones’ “Pa Pa Power”

Hush, no more words.

Creepy gif from The Simpsons of homer patting couch, telling you to come and sit

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