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By Amy Hood

Cartoon Obsession: Adventure Time Jen

A cartoon illustration of Jen Hood in three outfits

Now, I may be a little late to the party but: Adventure Time! It may be one of the most amazing cartoons currently running. It’s funny, clever and just a bit weird and spazzy. It’s perfect. The illustration style is super adorable too and inspired me to create each of our very own Hoodrats as Adventure Time characters. First up: Jen! Tiny boss #1 spends her time keeping all of the plates spinning,  weighing the options, going glassy eyed from too much screentime (she’s never not designing) and keeping it real in her party pants. Keep your eyes peeled for the next Adventure Time Hoodrat next Friday!

Hush, no more words.

Creepy gif from The Simpsons of homer patting couch, telling you to come and sit

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