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#HoodFonts FAQ

What does the Desktop License Cover?

—Stationery Collateral like Business Cards, Letterhead, Post Cards, Trifolds, Folders, etc.
— Personal Promotion Usage: Garage Sale Flyers, Local Theater, Band Posters
— Products: Tee Designs, Mug Designs, Stickers etc.*
— Marketing and Promotional Materials
— Packaging and Signage

* Exception: Use on product creation websites (ex: Zazzle), or apps that allow their end user to create a new design with the font (ex: Canva) is not allowed under these licenses. Contact Hoodzpah if you need a license for this. info@hoodzpahdesign.com


What doesn’t the Desktop License cover?

— Web Use (@font-face embedding). Purchase a web license for this.
— Ebook or Epub use. Purchase an Epub license for this.
— Apps. Purchase an app license for this.


How do I figure out how many users I should purchase for?

Think about how many people in your company will be accessing and using the font files. That’s how many users you need to license for. An exception to this is third party subcontractors like printers,  developers, animators, etc. (outside of your company) who may need access to the files for your projects temporarily. These are allowed temporary access under our license as long as they delete the files after the project is complete.


What if I’m purchasing for a client?

How many people on the company’s team will be accessing/using the font files? That’s how many users you need to purchase for. Write the client’s name in the notes section of your order if purchasing for them, or have them purchase directly.


I’m a creative—can I use this font license on more than one client project?

Each new client project requires a new license to be purchased for that client.


Where can I find your End User License Agreements?

Hoodzpah EULAs


Font Caching Issues

If you purchased a Hoodzpah font (especially if you already had our trial fonts installed) and you can’t see the full glyph set, you’re probably experiencing a font caching issue. To fix: 


  • Delete the font from Font Book or whatever font management software you use (Font Xplorer, Suitcase Fusion, etc.). Deactivating it isn’t enough so be sure to delete it. 
  • Then restart your Mac holding “shift” key until it displays “Safe Mode” on the screen. This will clear your Mac caches, including your font cache. Then, login to your account and restart the computer again, just regularly. 
  • You should be able to reinstall the font and see all the characters. 

If that doesn’t work try the following:

  • Close all of your applications.
  • Launch Terminal. (If you don’t know where that is click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right hand corner of your menu bar, then search “Terminal”) 
  • Enter the following command and press Return:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
  • Enter the following command and press Return:
    atsutil server -shutdown
  • Enter the following command and press Return:
    atsutil server -ping
  • Click ‘Command + Q’ to quit Terminal then restart your computer. 
  • Now reinstall your fonts. 


  • To clear your font cache on a PC, delete the following file:


If this doesn’t work, please reach out to us at info@hoodzpahdesign.com and we can help you troubleshoot. 

Creepy gif from The Simpsons of homer patting couch, telling you to come and sit

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