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The Club House at Howl

Lauren Lilly has already made a name for herself in her sustainable headwear and accessories company Yellow 108. But a rolling stone gathers no moss. Lauren continued on, funneling her creative powers into The Club House at Howl, a retail space with its own in-house brand. The in-house line and products she curates for the retail collection all have a common aesthetic: high quality, minimal, and stylistically functional. The retail brand identity for The Club House needed to feel the same. Lauren enlisted Hoodzpah’s branding and identity design skills to achieve her desired look. Sketches and vector iterations led to a final clean concept that we applied across signage, hang tags, catalogs, enamel pins, labels, social media promotions and more. The modern, minimal retail space logo and supporting aesthetic elements appeal to The Club House’s utilitarian but style-savvy demographic. It’s that mix of do right and look good that we lurv to make. Check out the store’s goods online here: The Club House at Howl.


— Logo System & Secondary Marks
— Environmental Graphics


Grant Puckett

More of a good thing

Creepy gif from The Simpsons of homer patting couch, telling you to come and sit

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Enrollment now open for Hoodzpah’s Visual Identity Course! Get your seat

Enrollment now open for Hoodzpah’s Visual Identity Course! Get your seat